Monday, January 22, 2018

Resistant Spouses

Budgeting is hard work and it can be even harder if you have a partner that isn't willing or wanting to participate in those talks about money matters. It's never easy to make a big change, like budgeting or paying off debt, if you're trying to do it alone or if you feel like you're dragging your spouse along behind you like a reluctant teenager while you're trying to stay chipper about it all.

I remember when I first read Dave Ramsey's book "Total Money Makeover" there was a burning in my heart to follow his plan. I knew I had found the template for our financial present and future. I was hooked! I was inspired! Chris, on the other hand, just thought I was going through a phase, a crazy phase and quickly all this enthusiasm for paying off debt would fade away.

For the first 2.5 months or so he reluctantly listened to me talk about what Dave Ramsey says... I'm sure there were moments he was ready to throttle me. I was blessed though, I continued to pursue our dream and Chris, thankfully, got the fever, too. Ever since then Chris has been hooked on this journey were are on just as much as I am -- sometimes he's even more enthusiastic than I am. It's amazing the turn he's taken!

Unfortunately, that's not always the case with so many marriages out there though. There are wives who contact me who ask me how I did it. How I "persuaded" Chris to join me on this journey of debt pay off. I really don't have those answers, but thankfully a wonderful You Tuber and blogger, Brittany, whom I admire posted a video on this very subject! 11 Tips to Instantly Increase Your Success When Talking About Money With Your Spouse

I encourage you to watch it and perhaps see if you're spouse is willing to watch it with you. Working together to budget is such an important part of every marriage. I don't think our household would be as successful in our debt pay off journey if Chris and I didn't do this together. We lift each other up and encourage one another and this has been such a huge help when one of us feels like we're struggling a bit.

Also, if you need to talk I'm always here to listen. Sometimes, just having a friend pray with you, listen to your concerns can be enough. :)

Love you all, and know that you're not on this journey alone. We will all become debt-free and have a more financially sound future. The journey is not over. Keep enduring to the end!