Monday, September 3, 2018


We have survived the summer months and enjoyed eating out a few times and such but now that September is here it's time to buckle down and eat more from our own fridge, freezer and pantry stash.

Yup, we're only spending $50 on groceries this month for milk and fresh fruit in order to dig through our freezer and see what tonight's surprise dinner will be! Chris is quite good at cooking this way and so I have no worries about starving to death as autumn begins.

Tonight's dinner will be chicken kebabs with rice and a spring roll. Mmmm! Sounds delicious to me! I always love his rice... He throws in a little salsa with some spices and it tastes great! I find it wakes up my tastes buds a little more than simply soya sauce over white rice.

So, when I heard Sister Page was doing her Shelftember month as school was beginning for her kiddos I just had to jump on board as well. Honestly, it's something we'd had planned months ago and it's just an awesome way to kick start a new season and a new focus for the end of the year. (Here's Sister Jordan Page's website -- chalk full of great ideas for budgeting and productivity! Fun, Cheap or Free)

This is such an important month for us as some major changes may be in the works soon. This means we'll be saving a little more money as we make focused purchases that will not break our budget -- or our stride forward to follow our dream.

So, does the idea of Shelftember -- eating from your stock at home -- scare you? Think about doing it for a half a month, just 15 days if a whole month overwhelms you. You can do this! If cooking for yourself or family just sounds exhausting at the end of your workday, cook multiple meals over the weekend for the next week and then all you need to do is pull it out of the fridge or freezer and heat it up.

Having a reason, a goal, a dream that's bigger than this week or this month -- something for a brighter future will inspire you to keep pushing the envelope towards saving more than spending.

Our dream? Well... we might be buying a house soon.... *grins*