Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fantasy cruising.... try it sometime!

Chris and I sat back, closed our eyes and did a little fantasy vacation right from home yesterday. We talked about our cruise we want to take one day.... It was a wonderful moment of focusing on our goal and seeing how we will achieve it one day.

Unfortunately, right around Thanksgiving Revenu Quebec called and wanted money for a payment of debt from the time Chris lived there LONG before he even knew me. 

We used my Line of Credit, paid them and now we’re stopping all other savings (including for the car... cry...) until this is paid off.


So, yes, we were fantasizing about our vacation..... I want a room with a veranda and enough pocket money to enjoy myself a little.... 

Oh, I cannot wait! 

In the meantime, I’m recovering from hysterectomy surgery and a terrible cold I picked up from somewhere. I’m going a little crazy with all the resting (and coughing) I’m doing but at least the healing process is going well.

Right now, we’ve estimated we’ll have the debt paid off by August. (Happy Anniversary to us!) But I’m praying that it’s much sooner. We shall see...

Chris and I refuse to let this little set back keep us down. I find it ridiculous that we had to pay anything but fine. It’s done... Now it’s time to buckle down, have a tighter budget again and kick this debt’s butt!