Saturday, February 25, 2017

Devotional Questions

Upon exploring my devotional for today, I came across some really interesting questions. Now, the topic of my devotional has to with setting goals for the year. It could be any goal, really, but for Chris and I our goal for 2017 is to pay off four debts and to continue to stay on budget every month. We give each other some grace when we're not perfect, but all and all we try hard to accomplish our goals every month.

What was interesting about my devotional was it talked less about the goals you wish to accomplish and more about whether we're listening to God's voice in our walk to debt freedom. The devotional broke down into three key sections; assessment, longevity and surrender.

Assessment spoke about taking a look at where we are currently. Examining our commitments. Who's influencing us and then asking ourselves what must change or stay the same. Asking The Lord what habits we can break or what could change in the near future. Prioritizing our commitments.

Chris and I are not one to over schedule ourselves. Actually we're the opposite. There's a very specific reason for that. Our lack of wheels. It's difficult to commit to things when you just don't have the transportation to come and go as we please, but having said that, we do commit ourselves to a certain schedule in our day-to-day lives, but it doesn't really further the cause for Christ in the ways we'd like to. That's something to change.... and that will take some thought on how to change it while working around the issue of no transportation..... Hmmm.....

For longevity it asked the big question of while setting daily, monthly and yearly goals do we keep the big picture in mind. A lot of people would assume our "big picture" is to get out of debt so we can spend more money. that's not quite accurate. Our get of debt goals really have to do with not being slave to the lender any longer and giving like no one else. We've felt a few things placed on our heart in ways to give and we hope to get there within a timely fashion. But it's a good question isn't it? Are your daily/monthly/yearly goals getting you where you want to go? Sometimes in order to give later we have to stop giving so much now. That's a hard pill to swallow!

Asking God for His vision, as the devotional went on to say, is much more important than the little things we might be doing now. Sometimes sacrifice is worth it, and sometimes giving without holding back is worth it... It's all a balance and on His timing. But this question, really stuck with me, "You'll be able to ask yourself and The Lord, will this goal benefit me next year? In ten years?"

Ten years... I'll be almost 50! Oh heck no, I don't want to be in debt when I'm 50! God has much greater things for us than paying for debt still in our fifties...

And lastly it spoke about surrender. Laying our goals at the feet of Christ. Once the vision is set and you've prayed on it, just lay it at His feet. We do... every decision we make we make with the intentional knowledge of the goal Christ has for us. Every time we go shopping, I can see the wheels turn in our heads, "Do we really need this now or can it wait?" One of my favorite ways to shop is just to go window shopping. Knowing I'm going to a store to browse or look at a specific item without the intention of buying it gives me a great thrill and feeling of accomplishment. I don't get sucked in by those "Buy one get one free!" signs or sales that make others feel antsy to buy the item now. No, this new method of budgeting gives me the freedom to be intentional with what I buy and how I buy it. It allows me to save a lot more at the end of each shopping trip as well and as a result, staying on budget is a lot easier than I ever thought it could be!

I'm looking forward to shopping next month at one of my favorite craft stores. As of March 1st I'll have some pocket money I can spend however I wish, but that also means, I don't have to spend it if I don't want to. I have found budgeting gives us permission to spend. It's funny how that has worked out.

So ask yourself those questions. Are you giving where and how God wants you to give? And if so, will it accomplish the goals God has set out for you? Lastly, don't forget to give yourself grace when we make a mistake or make a decision someone else may not agree with (including me!). God loves you and He wants the best for you. He desires for you to reach your goals this year. He's on your side! You can do this!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

10 Things I want to do when I'm Debt-Free

We all need to dream a little. Y'know, have goals. If Chris and I are getting out of debt without a reason at the end of this journey then it'll feel like work without any reward. No fun in that and I have admit there are days right now when this whole getting out of debt thing isn't very fun so, having something exciting to look forward to at the end of all this kinda makes it worth it.

One of the biggest things Chris and I will have to decide is whether we want to own or rent a home. We still haven't figured out that question yet. There's pros and cons to both ideas but I have to say my biggest fear about owning a home (and ironically I've owned two houses before) is being able to afford the utilities bills on top of the mortgage and property taxes. You see, when I owned houses before, in my early twenties, I didn't have mortgages on either house. I owned them outright. Now with this whole crazy increase in hydro cost on top of all the other bills, it's kinda scares me. Furthermore, we have a very fixed income. It'll never increase (until we get pension) nor will it ever decrease. We will receive the exact same amount of money down the penny forever. Hmm... we're praying on this question... and thankfully we have three or four years before we have to decide that big question.

We've been asked "Well, if you need more of an income why doesn't Chris work again?" Easy answer to that, which I have explained previously to folks: it'll make our taxes go up again. So, half of what Chris makes will go towards taxes. No point in that happening again. We have a good income, we just need to manage it well and live within our means.

Beyond that, there are a few things that are important to us. We look forward to having a little more freedom financially to able to do some things for God while enjoying the pursuits that interest me. Here's the "Ten Things" list we came up with:

  1. Continue to tithe and give where The Lord leads us
  1. Save for car 
  1. Disney World 
  1. Budget specifically for Bible Journaling 
  1. Budget for books and records
  1. Buy a new couch 
  1. Buy a new desk 
  1. Save for a honeymoon cruise 
  1. Visit mum & Eric in BC 
  1. Save for adoption

We're excited about the future... very excited. All this budgeting now will be worth it. For now, our couch that is slowly falling apart will have to survive a few more years. (Chris was having trouble with it just after dinner, this evening.) We will have to continue to scour the shelves in the laundry room for abandoned books that peak our interest and I'll just use our plastic folding table as my art desk until we can afford the secretary's desk that we fell in love with at Ikea.

Small sacrifices.... so worth it.....

I can't wait to go to Disney World or our cruise honeymoon though... looking forward to that! Can't wait to finally be able to seriously look into adoption... We still talk about the kids everyday... That dream is still there... 

Living like no one else, so later we can live and give like no one else....

Friday, February 3, 2017

January 2017 Budget In Review

January 2017 has finished! Let's see how we did! I'd give us a B+. What do you think?