Saturday, April 29, 2017

April in Review!

Well, I can't say we did great, but...we actually did do great....I think I need to explain that very contradictory statement!

Chris and I had a few major things go wrong and come up this month. So we went over budget in almost every category within our budget. ARG! That's so annoying but I will say we were still in the black at the end of the month and we didn't use our MasterCard or Line of Credit to get by.

I guess the most major downfall was my laptop is dying. It's slowly fading away and it wouldn't be worth it to fix the darn thing. That means shelling out some money for a new one. We know the computer will die in the next month or two so we decided to bite the bullet and do a payment plan for a laptop through a reputable online website. Payments are reasonable at $134/mth and it's only until the end of the summer. We'll be fine... and to counter that set back we've set up a sinking fund for electronics so we're placing some money into a savings account for any further replacement of electronics just in case another device of some sort decided to croak on us.

I guess the other sad part is the couch. Yes, our three-seater  La-z-boy is on its last leg. The right side of the couch is slowly pulling away from the frame and there's just no fixing it. We'll be saving for a replacement couch in a few months.

Besides all that it was an expensive month from groceries and household products. We seemed to run out of everything in the same month. My oh my, we went $230 over budget on groceries and almost $350 on household supplies! .........I won't even go into what we spent on eating out!

It was a strange month for us. Lots going on and it just was an "off" month all around. I will say though we've now been actively paying off debt for a full twelve months and in those twelve months we've paying off more than $30,000 in debt!

We may have had a weird month this April, but everyone can have one month where things are just haywire...This was ours and we're still in the black. Yup, still in the black and we were able to put more than $1,000 towards our MasterCard bill (Thank you Chris for your tax return!). All and all...we're gettin' there. Slowly but surely.

In May things will be put right again. Not to worry! This is not the beginning of a downward spiral. We'll get there...and we'll have this MasterCard paid off in now time! (less than $4,900 more to go!)

Hope everyone else had a better month than us in April!

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