Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Two to One

There seemed to be only three major events in February in regards to budgeting. Two of them were awesome moments and one well, not so much...

Last month, we were able to put over $1,700 towards our debt! I know, I'm
thrilled about it, too! It was a lot of fun to see where we could cut back a little and move a bit of money around in order to throw more at that debt. Usually, our debt pay off number is great, but seventeen hundred is just amazing. It gave us such a thrill and made us dance with a little in the kitchen.

Then late one night, I took a look at my phone and saw I had an email from Canada Revenue Agency. groans "What do they want now?" I thought to myself. I vowed that no matter what they wanted from me, I'd do my best to see it through. That next morning, I open the letter, from the CRA website, and saw my installment reminder notice had arrived. This made me internally groan a second time. I expected this installment reminder in January but it never arrived. Here it comes, a month late, I am just dreading opening the letter up. Finally, after another fervent prayer, I open it up and read.......




I do not owe any installment payments for the first and second quarters. Uh.......that's never happened before. Like....ever... I have to admit I sat here
stunned for a moment and had to read the letter again. No.....there it is the three letter word again.......Nil. Nothing......nada........zilch.....

Well, whoopee!!!! I think Chris and I did another kitchen slow dance for that one that day as well. Good news always makes Chris want to slow dance in the kitchen, which always makes me giggle in his arms.

We are still saving for taxes every month, just in case, it's needed for 2018 taxes next year. The annuity amount is brand new and 2017 taxes will be the first full year where we just have these payments as our own source of income, so we've already paid up for 2017 taxes and saving in advance for 2018. It's better to safe than sorry.

Okay well, two pieces of good news! Whoo-hoo! We were really on a role by this point, but then that bad news hits. Apparently, another unknown debt has cropped up on our radar. Chris had a debt he wasn't aware of, due to some very unusual circumstances. We'll be saving up a bit for this debt in a month or two and get it taken care of. Thankfully, this seems to be the last of it, but it's nice that we'll get it resolved soon and then it'll stop hurting his credit.

I have admit, both of us were blindsided by this issue. Chris had no idea that there was anything owing and had never had services with this company. In a weird set of circumstances the charges are technically legitimate but not really.....Unfortunately, we just have no way to prove they are not 100% accurate. Oh well, chalk it up to a learning curve and move on...

No one is perfect and everyone requires grace. This is why we talked it through, found a plan of action and plan to take care of it ASAP.

I will say all and all February was a great month and we even had a little Valentine's Day celebration. Nothing too fancy and extravagant but lots of laughter and fun.

Now on to March and already budgeting has been coasting along nicely. It seems the second half of the month always puts a bump in the road, so we'll just have to see what happens from here, but all and all, The Lord has given us the means to find solutions at every curve that's been thrown at us. We'll be fine. We're in this together and with daily tracking, budgeting, and financial fitness we'll get there... We'll kick this debt's butt!

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