Sunday, April 22, 2018

Taxes are paid!

Well, our taxes were filed two weeks ago. It was nice to get it all done in time. This year was our first full year just having our annuity income as the only source of income at all, so it was a guessing game about just how much taxes we would have to pay.

We had been paying our taxes every month, as I made an estimate as to what they would be based on discussions with our accountant and her boss. Our estimates were pretty spot on. We ended up paying, $8,573.66. You're thinking, "Holy cow that's a lot of money, Rosie!" Actually, it's not, really. I used to have to pay more than double that with the way the annuity was set up. When we renegotiated the annuity they were able to bring up our income and bring down the income taxes I'd have to pay.

Although annuities now are no longer taxable, thanks to a law change, my annuity isn't included in that law change that happened more than 25 years ago. It's very frustrating that I'm taxed, but I feel that solving the annuity is a greater blessing and so I don't complain much about the tax. It's better to count your blessings than to complain.

So, here government of Canada, take your money and I know you're not going to spend it the way I see fit. *shrugs* Hahaha...

I do hope everyone else was able to file their taxes on time. Spring is always a time for eternal renewal and hope, but yes, tax season is part of it as well. I'm not always pleased about that part and I hear many other people grumble about it as well. Just be thankful for the country we live in and that the majority of us get a tax return. Enjoy those tax returns for me! :D Hey, why don't you put your return towards debt this year? Make some big payment towards your debt and do the debt pay off dance for me!

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