Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Selling Jewellery

Chris went over to a pawn shop today with the jewellery I had dug out of my jewellery box last week. It turns out the necklaces I thought that were given to me were not gold but brass -- which is fine, they have no sentimental value to me. Thankfully the old ring I had was real and we received $90 for it. So, now we're back up to $130 in our emergency fund as we continue to allow it to climb to the $1,000 needed to move on to Baby Step #2... We just have another $870 to go!

We still need to try and sell the TV stand, which we'll probably try to start doing on Friday or Saturday and we hope to get a few dollars out of it. For now, it's just sits there collecting dust taking up space in our living room.

In the meantime, we already know how much in January and February we must put aside in order to reach the 1K mark if we don't find anything else to sell.

Now, a lot of people might ask us, "Guys, why don't you go work a job or even a part-time job in order to generate a bit of income more quickly?" Most people in the "Dave Ramsey Community" call those "side hustles". The reason we're not doing side hustles that generate an income by work is simply because they would actually cause us more debt in the long run. As it is, Chris and I pay a fair share in income taxes back to our lovely government. Any more income generates a larger tax amount we must pay next year and that effects our taxes for several more years after that. It's....complicated to say the least but end result is we don't want to have to pay anymore money than we absolutely are obligated to pay to the Canadian Revenue Agency.

Now, if we had a car, I'd be dragging Chris to the local second hand stores to check out used furniture we can spruce up and resell, That would be a "side hustle" I'd LOVE to do!

As it is though, the whole point of doing this is so we can buy a car! Not having a car is a our biggest frustration in our daily life. (It would have been REALLY nice to have a car on Monday morning when I woke up in excruciating pain needing to get to the ER but that's another story for another day...)

I keep crunching the numbers to see how things look. We are doing well... but I'm not sure if we'll be able to reach out ultimate goal of adoption. The numbers along with the timeline might not be feasible but for now, I'll let God worry about that and we will continue to do what we can do today to make the adoption goal remain on the horizon of possibilities.

So, what did we do today to achieve that goal? Well, selling that ring sure helped us a little and Chris went out and bought salad for our dinner, as we were out, but stuck to the plan and didn't buy anything else. So far, so good... I guess we can call this day a victory! We'll see what tomorrow brings!

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