Thursday, December 8, 2016

Uh...Gazelle Intensity....wh-?

Oh excuse me... new terminology always needs explaining! My apologies...

To be "gazelle intense" means running faster than the lion that's chasing me. That lion in those credit card companies or the student loans folks, or heck even the dang slimy car dealers!

Run... run fast! Run so fast that don't even look for you anymore! How do we run that fast? We run by putting those Baby Steps to financial freedom really close together and no matter what following each step.

I know we all think it's impossible to be out of debt completely. I get it, but that's a lie. You have to remember that.

I have become gazelle intense. Chris isn't there yet... he's that slow gazelle who is running to be with me but he doesn't really see the lion behind him yet. He's just kinda following my cute behind and wants to stay close to his female gazelle and he'll run, if that's what I want to do but if it was up to him, he wouldn't be running. Instead he'd be lying in the sun for a pleasant afternoon nap.

On the other hand, I not only see the lion but I can see our end result of freedom from debt and having a fully funded emergency fund and enough money saved for the things we want for our life -- including the ability to give and give freely the way God intended for us.

Out of the two of us, I've always been the one with the more intense passion and the clear vision. Chris is more of the "let's think about this awhile" type and although I get that it's time for action!

I know soon enough Chris will change his tune and he'll get his jog amped up to a full-on run. I'll just have to give him the time and space to do so. He'll catch his stride and instead of chasing my tail, soon he'll be taking the lead.

Tomorrow Chris and I will sit down at our dining room table and fill out the Budget Binder for this coming year. I'll eventually share that with you all but first give us a moment to understand the numbers as we crunch them.

I cannot wait though, for those of you who need this intensity to feel the fire under your feet. Your debt is NOT forever. You can do this... pray on it...listen to a little of Dave Ramsey on YouTube and you'll see what I mean. You will have gazelle intensity too, if you let The Lord lead you.

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