Sunday, June 10, 2018

A big purchase...almost!

We almost bought our condo. Yup, we just moved in here less than six months ago and we have been happily renting our unit from some great landlords, but then one day the phone rang...

Our Landlords were thinking about buying another unit in the building, a unit that was on a higher floor (ironically the unit right below my best friend who lives in the building as well). Well, we were given the option of either buying our current unit from them or moving in and renting the new unit once it was fixed up.

The thing was the new unit needed a huge amount of work done to it. It was completely trashed and smelling of urine. An older couple had lived there for many years and nothing had ever been maintained or upgraded within the unit.

When they told me the news over the telephone, I was stunned. I never thought this was possible and certainly not five and a half months after moved in!
We prayed about it, talked endlessly and eventually decided to contact our local branch location to see what option we may have. Unfortunately, the representative at the bank was rude, pushy and didn't have a clue what an "annuity" was nor how they operate.

Chris just happened to mention to our accountant what we were looking into and she mentioned that their company also has a mortgage brokerage component to the business and yes, of course, they knew more about my finances than anyone on the planet -- other than myself!

We ran the numbers and it all looked great! Actually, better than I thought it would. Yay!

Then, the bad news: Our landlords didn't get the higher floor condo! Another offer was accepted! Boo! So the money we had begun to save for closing costs will be saved for another purchase.

For now, we will continue to rent since we're still in our lease until November, technically. But if another option to buy comes up they'll let us know. Otherwise, we plan to buy in the near future within the building.

I gotta say, going through the process actually did me good. It made me realize that had we had this kind of opportunity two years ago, Chris and I would've failed miserably wanting to buy but being financially unable to. When all this came about we were still in debt, but just at the end of it (and we had no idea, literally four days later we'd be debt-free). This debt-free sprint we've been on has been worth it. It gives us the option to buy and buy soon if we so choose to.

It's amazing the opportunities The Lord continues to provide for us. So, even though we didn't get to buy this wonderful two-bedroom, two bath 1153 square foot condo that we've fallen in love with, we've learned a lot about ourselves in this process of number-crunching. All that hard work for 25 months, has paid off. The future looks bright and we have so many options!

Chris loves this building, the location and the condo itself. His more married to this place than even I am. (I still get nostalgic and want an actual house with a yard every other week!)

I must say though, if I had to live in a condo (which is more practical for us long-term) this would be the one I'd want to live in. I even get a little craft/office corner in the solarium.

Thankfully, every unit in this building is the same type of layout so it's not like we're completely out of luck for our future.

Thanks be to God for how far we've come and how far we still have to go. Every trial and tribulation in this life is for our benefit.

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