Monday, June 4, 2018

Debt Paid off before Forty!!!

Chris keeps calling me "Mrs Debt-Free" and kissing me afterwards every single time. It's the cutest thing!

Over the weekend, something completely unexpected happened. We received a tax return in my name. Uhm..... what??? This was NOT supposed to happen.

Our accountant for the last two years has told us how much our taxes will now be with the annuity renegotiated since May 2016. We have planned for that amount in taxes every year and now we have a tax return... Yeah... completely unexpected!

We think this is Heavenly Father at work because we were set to pay off debt much later than this. We thought our debt was more and that it wouldn't be paid off until February. Well, the numbers were wrong and here we are! Debt paid off and feeling quite giddy!

I'm 39 years old and 11 months and just barely squeezed this in before my 40th birthday! Here I thought I'd have a low-key birthday but not anymore! I'm celebrating, Baby!

Chris is supposed to pay something towards CRA for previous taxes owed. We don't have the numbers for what that amount is yet. (They're still working on that on their end.) So, in the meantime, we're saving up some money between now and the fall so that if he is given a bill to pay we'll have money for it. After October we'll be able to start saving for a larger emergency fund, car and adoption. We've already looked at those numbers as well.

We still have a plan and just because we're done paying off debt doesn't mean we're not going to work this plan. It's important to still have goals and a direction. Everything we're doing is done with a prayer and humble heart.

We feel in awe of what has been done to allow this day to come in this timing. On Saturday, when we received the news about the tax return, I sat here dumbfounded for over twenty minutes just unable to speak full sentences. Chris did start giggling at me... I must have been a funny sight to see!

Today we slogged through the rain and cold wind to haul our butts by bus all the way to the dental office. We arrived there soaked to the bone so that we could pay off the remaining dental debt for my implant procedure. This was to be paid with instalments until October, but this was the last debt and I wasn't willing to just pay it off in smaller instalments anymore. The two receptionists who were present when we arrived were shocked by our dedication to pay it off early. Not only that, when they heard what we were doing, paying off almost $48,000 in 25 months they had so many questions for us! The main question was, "HOW?!" I have no idea if they'll remember this day, but I know we will. It felt awesome to leave their office -- still soaking wet -- and grab a celebration ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins before heading off to finish our errands. That ice cream never tasted so sweet!

We can now look forward, to a brighter future and a more obtainable hope of a family... Maybe just maybe this will lead us to another step towards our son or daughter.

Every step on this journey is not taken alone. We know we walk with Jesus Christ, our Saviour through it all. We're so thankful and feel quite in awe this evening. No words can describe just how sweet this victory is. All for His glory and His timing...

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