Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dancing like a goofy fool

As we approach the end of the month of May typically I reflect back on our month's progress. Instead, I received some amazing news today that made me celebrate someone else's moment of happiness in their debt-free journey.

A friend of mine contacted me to let me know they had paid off another debt! They have been dedicated and consistent in their journey and another step of progress was reached. We did a happy dance of celebration together, even though we were not actually together for the dancing. It was a goofy crazy moment of dancing all alone in our separate locations, but the shared joy was palpable and felt.

I'm thrilled to dance with another person on this journey. Every moment of absolute success spurs me on to press forward and give this thing a renewed burst of energy to just keep trying.

We cannot forget the little successes along the way, for the little moments of success build one atop another until they become a vision of success that can inspire you and others.

Lead by example and you will become your own example -- even for yourself!

In that vein, Chris and I will be doing a "half-spending freeze" for the month of June. We have surmised we have more than enough groceries to get us through the next month. So we've only put aside $50 for grocery money (fresh milk, fruit and eggs) but our remaining grocery budget money of $250 will go straight towards savings. (I'll tell you what large item we may be saving for in a future post!)

Normally I'd throw that extra money at debt and we thought we were going to, but something has come up on our radar, something entirely unexpected and potentially exciting! More happy dancing ensues!

In the meantime, I'll leave you all in suspense and just say celebrate those little victories. Anytime you make a budgeting plan and stick to it -- celebrate that! Eventually that goofy once a month success dancing will be a debt pay off dance -- like my dear friend! So exciting!

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